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Peripheral Nerves

The peripheral nerves are the nerve fibers that compose the area from head to toe, connecting the brain and spinal cord with the rest of the body parts. Nerves transmit electrical impulses and signals to and from the brain. Peripheral nervous system disorders interrupt the transmission of signals and weaken the sensory and motor nerve functions. 

Injury of the Hand Peripheral Nerve

Unlike the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves have an inherent capacity for healing and regeneration. A hand peripheral nerve injury can recover completely if the repair is performed at the right time.

What are the Symptoms of Peripheral Nerve Injuries? 

The common symptoms of a hand peripheral nerve injury include pain, numbness, muscle weakness, burning sensation and tingling sensation in the hands. 

What are the Causes of Peripheral Nerve Injuries?

Peripheral disorders may result from injury, infections, alcoholism, trauma, diabetes, tumors and kidney disorders.

What are the Treatment Options of Peripheral Nerve Injuries?

These conditions may be treated with conservative methods or with neurosurgeries. Hand peripheral nerve surgery aims at restoring the motor and sensory nerve functions of your arm. 

Indications for Peripheral Nerve Repair

The surgeries are indicated for 

  • Peripheral nerve tumors 
  • Peripheral nerve entrapment syndrome 
  • Peripheral nerve injuries that have caused severe weakness or numbness 
  • Injuries that have not improved with conservative treatment

Peripheral Nerve Repair Procedure

The various hand peripheral nerve surgery techniques include:

Nerve Transfers 

Nerve transfer is a neurosurgical procedure performed to regain function of a body part when complete loss of function or sensation has occurred. During surgery, a normal nerve is harvested from the muscle and inserted into the muscle where the nerve is damaged, to restore the function of the muscle.

Nerve Repair 

Nerve lacerations can occur when a nerve is cut by a sharp object such as metal, glass or in cases of stabbing. Surgical repair involves suturing the cut ends of the lacerated nerve.

Nerve Graft Repair 

Nerve graft repair involves implanting a nerve at the gap created by excision of a nerve end during surgery. Nerve grafts can be selected from a sensory nerve of any another part of the body.

Nerve Decompression Surgery 

Nerve decompression surgery is used to treat peripheral nerve entrapment conditions. The procedure involves removal of the structures that compress the nerves; for example, a bony enlargement in case of arthritis or muscle enlargement as a result of overuse of muscles. This surgery provides immediate relief from the symptoms, but the complete recovery may require several weeks to months.

Surgical Excision of Nerve Tumors 

Surgical excision of nerve tumors involves removal of a benign tumor formed within the nerve.

Practice Locations
Thomas Neustein, M.D. Practice Locations

81 Prominence Court
Suite 100
Dawsonville, GA 30534

Practice Hours: 8 am - 5 pm

1229 Friendship Road
Suite 100
Braselton, GA 30517

Practice Hours: 8 am - 5 pm
  • American Association for Hand Surgery logo
  • American Society for Surgery of the Hand logo
  • Philadelphia Hand to Shoulder Center logo
  • Emory University logo
  • University of Pennsylvania logo
  • Emory University Orthopaedic Surgery logo